Word from Management


TheFoundation of Success regardless of your chosen field is attitude.

                          Having a positive attitude means that youfocus on the good things in life and do not dwell on the negative, but having apositive attitude isn’t something that needs to be developed.

                   Children need to learn that when they startthinking negatively about themselves or situation that they can stop, then thinkof something positive about themselves or their situation that they can stop,then think of something positive about themselves or their situation for Ex-  If your child has not won in a competition, hemay think “I am not good at anything , I will never take part in anycompetition again.”  He needs to learn toreplace that negative thinking with a positive attitude and thought like, “Iwill practice harder and next time I will do.”

                                  Teaching yourchild to have a positive attitude will build self- esteem and confidence, soparents start helping your child develop a positive attitude today.                                                                                                             


Mona Paliwal
